Small / Mid-Cap Value Equity

Ballast Asset Management’s approach to investing is fundamental and bottom-up, seeking to invest when the market has undeservedly low expectations for companies with a demonstrated ability to generate free cash flow, maintain a healthy balance sheet, allocate capital effectively and execute successfully. Ballast seeks to find the optimal combination of risk and return to mitigate downside risk, while rewarding patient investors.
The Ballast Small/Mid Cap actively managed ETF (MGMT) seeks to generate positive risk-adjusted returns by actively investing in equity securities of small and midsize U.S. companies led by proven management teams. Investing in MGMT is an opportunity to easily access a proven institutional strategy that until recently, was unavailable to individual investors. The portfolio typically consists of 40-70 long equity positions in companies ranging between $100 million and $10 billion in market capitalization.
Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the Ballast Small/Mid Cap ETF. This and other important information about the ETF is contained in the Prospectus, which can be obtained at or by calling (866) 383-6468. The Prospectus should be read carefully before investing. The Ballast Small/Mid Cap ETF is distributed by Northern Lights Distributors, LLC, member FINRA/SIPC. Northern Lights Distributors, LLC, Ballast Asset Management and Skypoint Capital Partners are not affiliated. Fund fact sheet available at